Tuesday 13 March 2018

Responsible citizens

Responsible society .

Me and my father entered into railway station in kadapa . when we were walking towards footover bridge to reach platform no 2 from no1 , I observed that water flowing in pipe as it has no tap,  it was failed.
Almost 10s of people were crossed that tapless pipe, and 10s of people  who were sitting opposite to that platform acting that they are not watching(actually they are feeling it's not relate to them ) that wastage .
When I was crossing that failed tap i tried to fix . When I am in process of fixing I heard louder shouting voice from responsible citizen who is sitting opposite to that tap in platform no1 saying  "hello why are you wasting water stop that with the tap " .

I said "the tap was failed and I am trying to fix it".

After 2 mins another very young  responsible (never seen before ) police man was crossing me and ordered " I don't know what and how will you do,  that wastage suppose to stop and leave. Until and unless you are not suppose to leave".

I was shocked with the orders recieved from responsible citizens of india .

Moral of the story  : do your own job not others . ☺☺☺

Monday 28 November 2016

My dream started with bus journey to Bangalore. I was in bus with full of crowd. I found friend also in the same bus somewhere not near to me. She had my luggage and laptop with her.
When the bus entered in Bangalore city I got down somewhere which is not my drop point that too without luggage. Immediately I realized that this is not my dropping point and I chased bus again and asked my friend to give my laptop. When I was picking up my laptop in that heavy crowd my friend got down in her stop. After that I crossed my drop point because of crowd and tried to got down next stop. Bus driver not at all listening to stop the bus as my point is crossed.
He stopped somewhere and got down there. I am bit confused and I couldn’t find where to go and stay. I remembered my previous room.(some years back along with asha and co.) and went there to stay. I know there are no one of my friends. When I was in open toilet, one of my colleague from 1st floor said hai to me.
I felt tensed and confused where to go and and stay because I can’t ask my friends for accommodation as they are married.
After few minutes of hunting for room I return to my original place where I use to stay earlier.(some years back along with asha and co.) I found One white coloured beast bird kind thing with long wings, with 8 pack human body . I didn’t see him clearly as it is far away from me. I ran to find my cam in my bag to see this beast bird  by zooming and also for capturing, when I was running to find cam I found some more birds which are very close to me and they are in the process of  hunting humans. That really scared me.
I felt afraid of them and ran to hide. I go to a family of group of 6 to 7 members and joined in that group. They are feeding food for those birds to escape death from them.
I see the person who said hai initially from 1st floor. I got some breath when I see him . I thought he could help me .
He didn’t care me but one of the person from that house took me into some underground place by simply jumping almost 50 feet depth like a wolf jump. I jumped into the sachs . From there I followed the person and he introduced a magic person. He turned me into a girl and had some fun with me by taking me into some where his private place almost for 2 to 3 days. After 2 to 3 days he took me into virtual kind of  dream world .(actual body is in the room only).
There some scary magics going on (Not clear ;) ).

I tried to came out of that dream kind of world. Finally I came out of that world(virtually). But really I cant escape from him as he is  insisting me to take again to same world. I ran and fell down to different sliding areas to escape from him.